Sunday, June 11, 2006

Oh, my.......

I am in heaven. I got exactly what I asked for for my birthday (which was yesterday, btw!) Crocs Athens!!! Aren't they lovely??? Seriously, these are the absolute best thing I have ever put on my feet! My 17-yr old made fun of me, until she tried them on! Now she also owns a pair!! If you haven't tried these bad boys on, run - don't walk - to Dilliards or Dicks or anywhere else that carries them and slip your feet into sheer luxury! Thanks, Jen, for introducing me to them!!


Scrapbook Lover's Dream said...

gosh, I wish I could stand that little thing between my toes! They look yummy other than that! I think I just have weird feet! Elizabeth

RaeChelle said...

I would love a pair, just havent broke down to buy a pair jet yet. Soon, very soon!!!