Today my neighbor's little girl came over to help me decorate my sugar cookies. All 110 of them (she counted!). I wasn't sure how this would turn out but Rosie did a great job! She took her duties seriously and was in charge of all stars and trees. She especially loved the blue icing and came up with combinations of sprinkles that I would have never thought of! Like all five kinds sprinkled onto one cookie top! I had to laugh when I was just putting cookies down on the rack wherever they would fit and she started aligning them, just like something I would do! Tim was there when it happened and asked her if she lined her socks up like soldiers but she said no and I gave him a dirty look (he still gives me grief about that bad habit of mine!) About every 5 minutes she would run upstairs and check on my cats, who were always sleeping. At one point she came down carrying Garden Kitty and then they had some games of hide and seek, however, my cat wasn't too sure how to play this game and kept forgetting to hide. Rosie insisted I should take some breaks too, which I had never thought of doing either! She's a good influence! So, off we went outside to play in the leaves at one point and another time we stopped everything and laid down on the bed with Garden Kitty. Cats and kids sure have the right ideas! Tim taste tested some broken trees for us and said they were quite good so I believe all in all it was a success! I can't wait to do some scrapbook pages! Elizabeth
Those cookies were de-licous! YOur house is truly amazing. Thanks for having me. I would like to suggest a special NA christmas tree with dead rats, but it might wreck the festive atmosphere. Maybe some crack pipes in different colors? I know someone who's collecting rats...
Well, er, uh, I'm thinking NOT on the rat tree, although I bet my cats would think it was way cool! Talk to Ann about that. I'll leave the crack pipes to your end of the street too okay? But enjoyed your company! Elizabeth
Yeah - I think Annie has enough rats by now to do a tree down at the city-county building. LOL Let's hope they call it the NA redevelopment tree.
Elizabeth, Rosie sure had fun. She says she will be back next year to assist with cookies.
Thanks for the open house invite, too. You and Tim are really neat neighbors!
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