Well, here's what it's like to go to an Archiver's Grand Opening: First, I set my alarm for 7:00 am (on a morning that I could have slept in!). I woke up at 6:30, laid in bed till 6:45 and decided I could use that extra fifteen minutes! I was showered, dressed and had packed my last minute stuff for our flight today by 8:30 am when I hit the road. Now, it's POURING down rain, absolutely POURING. I could hardly see at times, it was dark and gray out and there was ponding everywhere! I drive on two interstates not going more than 40 mph at any given time. At one point, I hit the brakes LIGHTLY and they didn't respond...very scary! Then I hit some ponding on down the road and my SUV did a little jig! UGH! I SO should have turned back but I didn't want to! I arrive (safely after a lot of prayers) at Oxmoor Mall and find the line already wrapped around the corner. It wasn't too bad though! A girl stops me and asks if I'm Abby...she's one of our customers at SLD! She said she recognized me but didn't know my name and knew Abby was coming! I briefly felt like a scrapbooking celebrity or something! I stake out my place in line, excited to know that I'll be among the first 100 and get my free gift (a roll of American Crafts Ribbon....a little disappointing after what I just had gone through to GET there, but free nonetheless!). Mindy arrives next and then Abby, Holly, Ehren, Eris and Abby's friend. At 9:30 the gate goes up and the chaos begins! It was pretty orderly though and everyone that bumped into me said they were sorry! Two of the corporate owners were there and the funniest thing was the one man running around the store with needle nose pliers in his hand....he would go up to a customer, whip out the pliers, and tighten the hooks that hold the handle onto the hand baskets. Guess they hadn't gotten around to that prior to their opening....It was neat to see the store fully stocked with no empty spaces! Lots of goodies and a make and take (tags, Abby did them!) in the back. It was fun to run into people we knew and to talk to other excited scrapbookers! A little bit of scrapbooking history in the making! Woo Hoo! Welcome to Archivers Louisville! Elizabeth
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